Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Class

Holy Fire® 3 World Peace Karuna Reiki® Master Training

March 28 – 30, 2025

Tyler, TX

This workshop is with Brenda Strong, and will be held at her home in Tyler, TX

Prerequisite – You must have completed Reiki Master training (from any lineage) at least 6 months prior to this class. You must also be able to draw the three Reiki II symbols and Reiki Master symbol from memory.

This is a three-day workshop (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM) which results in Certification as a Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master Practitioner.

In the process of learning the healing techniques, Experiences, Placements and Ignitions and taking part in the guided meditations, most students will experience deep healing. Karuna is a Sanskrit word often translated as “compassionate action”. Karuna Reiki® is the next step for Reiki Masters who wish to continue learning and exploring the limitless Reiki energy.  This class makes use of World Peace Reiki energy which has all the qualities of the Holy Fire® III energy and includes a higher vibration that actively creates feelings of peace within each student.

This intensive class includes:

  • History on the origin of Karuna Reiki®
  • Review of the Holy Fire Symbol, its uses and energy.
  • The Empowered in the River of Peace Experience.
  • Eight Karuna Reiki® symbols, each with many powerful attributes to enhance a Reiki session.
  • Practice using the Karuna Reiki® symbols for treatments.
  • Ocean of Holy Love Reiki meditation to strengthen the mind and expand consciousness.
  • Both Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® I & II Master Ignitions and the Healing Fire Ignition are received.
  • World Peace Ignition
  • Practice chanting and toning.
  • Instruction on how to give Reiki Placements** and Ignitions for all levels of Reiki from Reiki I up through and including Karuna Reiki® Master.

This workshop will be facilitated by Brenda Strong

Brenda is a Reiki Master Teacher with over 19 years of experience working with healing energies as a Reiki practitioner and Reiki Master.  She is also a Certified Hypnotherapist.  Brenda focuses on the integration of Mind, Body, and Spirit for wellness and healing.

While the content of the class will allow anyone to pass the ability to do Reiki on others and to teach if one chooses, many take the class for their own use or to use with family and friends. This class is a deeply healing experience.

** With Holy Fire® III Reiki, Placements have taken the place of Attunements or Ignitions. Placements pass along the ability to channel Reiki energy just as Attunements did. Placements are simply an “upgraded” method of passing along this ability.  Placements are simply an “upgraded” method of passing along this ability.  Most students discover that learning how to do Placements is much less intimidating than Attunements.

Cost for this workshop including “Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master” Manual, lunch and snacks is $750.00

To register for a workshop, please register via email or by mail (print or email this form). Once your registration information has been received, you will receive a confirmation letter by email, along with ways to prepare for the workshop, directions and hotel information if needed. If you have questions concerning the workshops, please call Brenda Strong at 540-875-9652 or email her at Brenda@ReikiForAllBeings.com

Preregistration is required as class size is limited to provide students with a more personalized learning experience.

Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand